What a busy week of traveling last week! We took Tyler to golf camp in Franklin, IN last Sunday morning. Tyler had a great time and camp and made some new friends. I really look for his golf game to get going. Here's a picture taken during one of their sessions.
Allison had a doctor appointment with Dr. Chang (oncologist) Wednesday morning and we picked up Tyler that afternoon. Friday, Allison had a post op appointment with Dr. Boaz. Whew...what a week! Three trips to Indy!
The way it looks now, Allison is going to have six weeks (five days a week) of Proton Radiation at MPRI in Bloomington, IN. We are hoping to start in mid November so part of the time will be when everybody else is off of school. There have been so many amazing things falling into place lately. God is at work and will be glorified through all of this. I will tell you about them in my next post.
May God bless you!