Felt I should take time for a little update on Allison. She hasn't been feeling to well the last couple of weeks. The headache pain has increased and she has been facing some extra fatigue. This was not unexpected. We had just hoped and prayed that she wouldn't expereince it too much. They have added some medications and they seemed to be providing some relief. We ask that you continue to lift her up in prayers. Specifically that the pain would be reduced. Also that the radiation does it's job and starts shrinking that tumor!
As for me, I would say I'm about 80% healed with my leg injury. I dont think it's going to bad and just will be patient.
Tyler and Tim each had some medical test this week as well. Tyler has had some back pain from football season that doesn't seem to be healing. We had an appointment with a doctor from Ft. Wayne Orthopedics and Ty had a bone scan yesterday. He goes back Monday for a follow up and reading of the test. Tim has had some continuing stomach issues and had an upper GI friday morning as well.
When it rains......it pours.... oh well. We will manage. We appreciate your prayers!