This has been an experience of growth and awareness for my family. We've learned so much through this. First and foremost the power of prayer and God's prescense. It would be amazing to sit down and write all the things that "fell" into place. The doctor's she's had, the appointments, the people that she's come accross, I could go on and on. Someday, I will need to sit down and put it on paper. God's hand has been truly in this experience. One thing in particular was when it was time to pay some of the MPRI bill. As you may know there is a fund set up at Farm Bureau to help with medical expenses. We found out what was needed and about an hour later Kim Mumaw called me. She called to give an update on the amount that was available. I just about fell over when she told me. It was the same amount that MPRI was asking for the first payment! God is alive and loves us so much.
What happens next? Allison goes back down to Riley's at the end of may for another MRI and appointment with the doctors. Hopefully things will be progressing even more and we will be able to see more shrinkage on the tumor. Please keep praying for that to take place.
Below, is a picture of the bracelets Allison's Axis youth group sold as a fundraiser. I've never been one to wear much on my wrist, except a watch. But this bracelet has rarely been off since last March. Thanks Pastor Rich and Axis for not only the funds, but for picking this particular bracelet and verse out.
Phil. 4:6-7" Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which trandscends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
This verse has come to mean a lot to me. It's a reminder that we may not know what, or why, things are happening in our lives. What we need to do is lay them before our Heavenly Father and realize that he is taking care of them. Trust in God. Don't think you can fix everything. He wants us lay our burdens down and he promises a peace that only He can provide. And He has!
With this whole experience Allison has started her own "little ministry". She was so touched by the people she met at MPRI that she is using something her great grandmother taught her. She is crocheting hats and sending them down to other patients. Your can check out her web page at www.allicaps.com.
God bless you all and thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Trent, Cindy, Allison, Tyler and Timothy