My apologies for not keeping up on the updates on this blog. Things have been typically busy
this past fall with Girls Golf (Allison), Fairfield Freshmen Football (Tyler) and Prairie Football League (Timothy). Allison is still fighting with fatigue, at times. She still has the headaches, but, not all the time. The last MRI in June showed steady process in shrinking the tumor. We praise God for His faithfulness.
What has been tough is the knowledge of a couple special children to Allison that are not doing very well. Those of you that know Allison, know that she has a special place in her heart for kids. She loves babysitting them. She loves her little cousins. She loves working in Kid's City at our church. She wants to make a difference in their lives.
One of those girls is Jada. Above right is a picture taken during Allison's
treatments at MPRI. The picture to the right of here is Allison and Jada during a recent visit to Jada's home in Ft. Wayne. Jada's prognosis isn't good because her tumor is growing in her brain stem. The doctor's have give her 4-5 months of quality life before things get really physically bad or terminal. The "Make A Wish Foundation" is taking her and her family to Disney World for one last family vacation.

Allison recieved a message on her Facebook page from the mother of the little girl pictured below.
Here is the message we received,from the mother,yesterday. " Today is the day that I never thought I would face as a parent. Cancer is finally going to get the best of my little girl. She has been in a coma since this morning and wont make it out of this one. To everyone, thank you so much for your support of my family. As she goes to her tea party with princesses and Dora in the sky, take a moment to hug your kids and tell them how much you love them. We are truly blessed to have had her in our life."

Why? That's the question that has most likely entered these two families minds, time and time again. Why? Is what has entered my mind several times when I see my own little girl go through the struggles the last couple of years. The real answer is WE DON'T KNOW WHY! But WE do KNOW is that we have a Father in heaven that loves His children. WE KNOW that we have been redeemed by His Blood. WE KNOW that He wants a relationship with us. WE KNOW that HE is always there waiting for us to call out to Him into our hearts. WE KNOW that if we do ask for forgiveness and accept salvation that someday we can ask Him......Why? But, it won't really matter because we will have a new body in Christ. WHAT DO YOU KNOW? If you don't have a relationship with Christ....then get one!
I'm sorry I don't remember the other little girls name, but, please keep their families in your prayers! They are going through something that not a one of us would want to endure.
Go hug your kids!!!!!