Merry Christmas to all of you from the Hostetler Family. What a joy to have my family together for this weekend with the way 2009 has gone for us. It was special for Cindy and I to attend a great Christmas Eve service at our church and praising God for all of His blessings, with our children.
Yesterday we attended the funeral for Cindy's Grandpa Charlie. Grandpa passed away last Tuesday morning. Grandpa Charlie was a neat man and I always felt accepted as one of his own grandsons. I thank him for that. I will always cherish the times that our kids got to spend with their great grandpa Charlie. Not every kids gets to know their great grandparents and mine have been blessed that experience with nearly most of theirs. Thanks grandpa for everything and we look forward to seeing you again in heaven!
This has been one amazing year for our family. Words cannot express our gratitude to all of you. Your prayers, meals, financial support, encouragements and love have meant more to us then you will ever know. Unfortunately, we will never be able to thank everyone personally because of so many have helped us. But know this, you are appreciated!
One scripture that has been running through my mind during this whole process is James 1: 2-3.
2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. The whole idea of "joy" during trials sounds crazy when you think of it at first. But, my outlook on this verse changed a lot the last few months. The only reason I can give is that I now lean on Him way more than I did before. This verse is reassuring to me in that I know He is in charge and that this will only strengthen me and my family. Now that doesn't mean I don't mess things up with my attitudes sometimes, but, by His grace I am redeemed and so are you! None of us can earn salvation it is only by God's grace and love for us that we can be called His children. So if you don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ, please receive the greatest gift anybody could ever give you. I know the whole concept of getting something like this for free is way to much to comprehend, but just know that it is. That gift is eternal life with Him in heaven. Do it today!!!!
Allison has treatments Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. Then a couple next week. So we are in the home stretch! Please continue to keep Allison in your prayers as she starts to wrap up the proton radiation treatments. Specifically that the headache pain not increase more than what it is now. Also safe travel for Cindy, Tyler and Tim as they will be spending the next few days in Bloomington during Christmas break. I'll be home with the dogs and cows and hope to get some projects done at home before they get back.
Thanks again for all of your love during this time and I look forward to sharing with you soon. May God Bless you and Have a Merry Christmas.
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