Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Treatments completed!

After six long weeks, yesterday, Allison had her last proton radiation treatment at M.P.R.I. The staff, at the clinic, had a little send off for Allison with a cookie cake and some gifts. Allison had a great time and enjoyed the opportunity to thank them personally, one more time. Allison was a busy girl the last couple days crocheting some of her hats and making some necklaces to hand out to the staff. She also gave each of them one of the purple bracelets with Phillipians 4:6-7 that her youth group is selling. (Thanks Axis!)

They have everything packed up from Jason & Kim's house and are ready to head back home. We are so thankful to Jason & Kim for opening up their home and providing the support for Cindy & Allison. You will never know how much you helped us!

Thanks again to everybody that has helped us during this time. There are so many of you that I couldn't begin to thank everybody by name.

As for what's next, we wait for the radiation to do it's thing and start shrinking the tumor. Because of it being a slow growing type it will also be a slow shrinking type. So, it could be a few months untill we see a difference in the tumor size. Until then, we ask you to continue to pray for Allison and that the tumor will shrink as expected. We know there is power in prayer and we know that so many of you have been praying for Allison and we thank you. We place it all in His hands.

May God bless you in everything you do!


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